Following a slight change to our initial arrangements, on November 3rd we will be starting a community photographic project, where participants are asked to take and share one photograph a day for 30 days.
There is no prescribed theme for this particular trial run of Photo30. From one angle, I would simply advise participants to record the most significant, inspirational and exciting moment of their day, in the best possible way. Alternatively, you could try and revisit the same location each day of the month to take 30 photographs. Perhaps, participants could look to create a fictional narrative, that evolves from one image to the next throughout the month. The decision is firmly in the hands of the photographer.
Using both our Blog and Twitter accounts, we will promote the project, set daily challenges and ultimately share the photographs from all participants.
If you would like to take part in this project please email for submission details.
Please email your daily photographs to
Twitter users; please use #photo30 with each post and photo.
At the end of the project, a curatorial team, consisting of teachers from the Worth Art Department and A-Level Photography students, will attempt to collate and present the photographs in creative way.